Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Indian National Cinema Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

Indian National Cinema - Essay Example From the beginning of the 18th century, inventors focused on developing a motion picture, and eventually from live dramas to silent movies and ultimately the development of motion picture with sound surfaced. Since then, motion pictures have become a global phenomenon. National industries have been developed in many countries, to cater to the needs of people belonging to a certain culture and can speak a certain language. Countries where diversity in culture exists, national cinemas have been so vastly developed that movies are produced in various languages and are also translated from one local language to another. One of the best and most widely known examples of national cinema is the Indian Cinema. This article looks into the concept of national cinema and explores the Indian cinema in detail. The history of the Indian cinema, along with the analysis of the film industry from production to exhibition and the governmental infrastructure for films, has been discussed. The essay als o reflects on the dominant ideas of what constitutes cinema in India. The Concept of National Cinema Andrew Higson (1989) has presented an innovative insight into the concept of national cinema. National cinema has been referred to mean the films that are produced in a particular country. Before the 1980s the cinema was analyzed using common-sense concepts by critics (). The past decades have shown that national cinema has long served as a means of promoting non-Hollywood films. Stephen Crofts argues that coupled with the name of the director-auteur, national cinema has subserved as a way of distinguishing between the Hollywood and non-Hollywood films. Used as a marketing strategy, he contends that national cinema has vouched for the delivery of ‘otherness’- representative of the cultural differences existing between Hollywood and films from other countries (Triana-Toribio 2003). Higson observes that there is no single, universal definition of national cinema. Looking b ack at the history of how cinema has evolved, the term does not confer any updated holistic meaning. Globalization has altered the perspectives through which cinema was viewed in the yore (Carroll & Choi 2006). Now there are a number of perspectives regarding the notion of national cinemas, as Higson (1989) illustrates. The notion of national cinema can be interpreted from an economics perspective, expounding upon the link between the national cinema and the domestic film industry (Higson 1989). This comes to encompass issues such as who own the cinemas, who makes the films and where are these films shot. Another perspective of exploring and studying the national cinema is to contemplate upon the nature of the films made. The approach, being text-based, represents questions such as the theme of the films produced, the nature of the projections of the national character that they portray and the degree to which these films are able to discover, survey and build a concept of nationhoo d embedded in the films themselves as well as in the spectators. Higson observes that there is a third perspective to national cinema, entailing an exhibition-led or consumption based approach. This view looks into the type of films that are viewed the most, with specific attention being given to foreign films, chiefly those produced in Hollywood having a high-profile distribution in one particular country. Higson asserts that the criticism based approach to national cinema also exists and rates the films produced by the industry in the context of the quality of the art cinema. Higson is of the view that in order to recognize a national cinema, it is essential to detail consistency and a unison. The identification of a national

Monday, October 28, 2019

Similarities and differences Essay Example for Free

Similarities and differences Essay But Ginsberg keeps hope alive by believing that salvation is possible through unity. Ginsberg does this by calling Solomon his brother, his equal: There can only be salvation if we embrace the world as one. Like he says in line 72: ah, Carl, while you are not safe I am not safe, and now youre really in the total animal soup of time. Like Whitman, Ginsberg believed in embracing the Other to achieve a sense of oneness that is not about being the same but about recognizing the inherent rights and individuality of each person. And just like Whitman, Ginsberg was as vocal, if not more so, about homoeroticism in his poetry: who let themselves be fucked in the ass by saintly motorcyclists, and screamed with joy, who blew and were blown by those human seraphim, the sailors, caresses of Atlantic and Caribbean love, who balled in the morning in the evenings in rose gardens and the grass of public parks and cemeteries scattering their semen freely to whomever come who may†. (Howl, line 36/38) And unlike in Whitman’s poem, the reference to homoeroticism in Ginsberg’s poem is more powerful because he used direct language as compared to Whitman especially when it is considered taboo and something short of a disease at that time. Indeed, including homoeroticism in Ginsberg poem can be seen as a tool to draw people’s attention to the reality that they refuse to accept – in effect, Ginsberg is trying to make them see what they hope does not exist. More than just a homoerotic reference to Ginsberg’s personal life, reading these passages as social commentary will help more in understanding the poem’s message and the statement it seeks to make at that time and context. Both writers yearned for a world that goes beyond the material. The only salvation possible from the degrading, repetitive and alienating modern world is the acceptance of the individual and the embracing of our inherent sameness and difference. While Whitman portrayed a world that was full of promise by recognizing himself in each and everyone, Ginsberg depicted a world of counterculture to escape the stifling Molochs of modern society. He tried to find salvation in crossing the borders of language, time, society and experience. He crossed the limitations of the mind through the use of drugs and used repetition in his work to establish a quasi-religious tone or chant as an extension of the spiritual world. It is not surprising that there are many similarities between Leaves of Grass and Howl. Allen Ginsberg, after all, read Whitman and even took Whitman’s tone and style in writing his own poem. Ginsberg’s Howl is Whitmanesque in the sense that it took for its subject the individual and its quest for his rights and freedom, and also he employed Whitman’s natural speech rhythms and long lines. Whitman using free verse demonstrated his dedication to democracy, to a society not bound by rigid rules and uniformity but upheld individuality and freedom, and Ginsberg’s adopting the same showed his own perseverance to give voice to all those who want to break free from the constricting social norms his time presented. Their uninterrupted stream of consciousness writing style, without reflective interruptions that may diminish their spontaneity, rendered the truth as they saw it. To achieve this, Whitman and Ginsberg had to cross the borders of what was generally accepted as poetry. They challenged the barriers of what was considered poetry, and by doing so, made breakthrough poetry. Conclusion Considered landmarks in American literature, both Leaves of Grass and Howl are remarkably unconventional, especially taking into account the time of their respective publications. Maybe the overall theme of salvation through unity was not new, but the means through which both poets achieved this definitely were during their time. Both Whitman and Ginsberg looked for new ways towards an uninhibited expression of the mind, as the above mentioned salvation was only possible through challenging existing notions of order and social norms. Thus, by challenging the conventional rules of grammar and style in their poetry, the poets were, in effect, expressing their desire for a more liberal society, for hope for the people that through their works an emotion will be stirred within them calling out for the preservation of the human spirit and freedom of the individual. For two poems separated by a hundred year interval and which continues to make waves even today, truly, it is a magnificent feat. Finally, the poems’ survival is enough credit to show that these are literary masterpieces worthy to be read as text by themselves and not as mere extensions of their poets.

Saturday, October 26, 2019

Cloning - Stronger, Smarter, and More Perfect Humans :: Cloning Argumentative Persuasive Argument

Cloning - Stronger, Smarter, and More Perfect Humans A few years ago if you were to ask someone about the possibilities of cloning they would most likely say it was impossible. This attitude towards cloning has been held into belief up until recently when scientists in Scotland cloned a sheep. And immediately after scientists in Oregon cloned a monkey (Fackelmann 276). The most major breakthroughs of the century in science has occurred and we are not ready for it. The scientific breakthrough of cloning has caused a great deal of controversy in the media and also in the government. The advantages of cloning are tremendous to the human race and cannot be ignored. I believe that cloning humans is what the human race needs to advance. Humans would be stronger, smarter, and more perfect. Scientists could remove bad genes from the parents and replace it with a good one. If one of the parents had a bad gene or hereditary disease this could be removed from the embryo and replaced with another "clean" gene. This process is called embryo screening it is used to determine if the child has received the defective gene. Several embryos could be cloned, then the DNA from one of the embryos would then be removed and standard genetic testing would be used to detect whether or not that embryo contained the genetic disease. If this cloned embryo containd a disease then one of the other embryos could be used for implantation in a parent, this guarantees that the child would be free of genetic disease (Marshall 1025). For those who disagree with cloning I am sure if there child could be saved from a genetic disease they would reconsider cloning. Imagine if one of your friends or family members was in need of a liver or kidney. Most likely you would donate your own liver or kidney to save there life. But then you are one organ short. Well this happens a lot and seems to work fine. But if they needed a new heart you might have trouble finding one. Not if you had a clone of yourself that could supply you with a new organ or maybe even a relatives organ that was naturally stronger (Cloning 1117). Someone could replace their old organs with new ones and extend their life span. Thousands of lives that could be saved if we had the technology and advanced science of cloning available. Even accepting an organ from a relative it may fail, it has to be compatible with our body system , if its your clone, then its

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Appendix a – Meditation Worksheet

Appendix A – Meditation Worksheet Veronica P. Sally-Garner PSY/211 ESSENTIALS OF PSYCHOLOGY Thursday, October 20, 2011 Instructor: Terry Browning Appendix A Meditation Worksheet Directions: Locate two resources on the Internet that explain meditation techniques. Copy and paste the web address into the top of the matrix. After reviewing the website, provide a brief summary for each source. Below your summary, list two interesting facts you learned from each site. Try the techniques you located in your Internet search. Provide a brief description of what happened in your experience. Be sure to answer the two questions below the matrix also. Web Address (URL):| http://bestmeditationtechniques. org/the-basics-of-meditation| http://www. mum. edu/meditation. html? gclid=CKOsutyS-KsCFQ1U7Aod9HlUKw| Summary of resource:| Things happen so quickly in this fast-paced world. Decisions are made without thought. This could cause stress to build and affect the way people deal with life. Everyone needs to stop and take a few minutes to calm down. So if life is stressing you out, it’s time to slow down. Meditation can help relieve stress and worries. The practice of meditation is a way to be still for a while and let our minds become focused until we become calm enough to deal with the daily pressures of life. | Mediation can mean different things to different people. Mediation can be defined in three main types: focused attention- concentration, open monitoring-contemplation, and automatic self-transcending – the Transcendental Mediation Program. Transcendental Meditation also known as TM. TM is the most widely practiced, most researched, and most effective method of self-development mediation technique. Two interestingFacts: | 1. Meditation can improve Concentration. Two commonly used exercises are: Mantra – a phrase or a sound that is recited repeatedlyBreathing – achieved by inhaling through the nose, letting the diaphragm (not the chest) expand and exhaling through the mouth 2. Breathing is an integral part of meditation. Proper breathing is required in many practices of meditation and is therefore an im portant tool to be possessed by people who wish to mediate. The practice of proper breathing while meditating slows down a person’s heart rate which leads to a relaxed mood. While this may sound easy, it can be quite challenging when done for the first time. | 1. Transcendental Meditation is the most popular technique. It is practiced by people of all ages, cultures, and religions. More than five million people worldwide practice this simple, natural technique. 2. People who practice Transcendental Meditation find themselves more alert, calmer, more energetic, dynamic, yet somehow wiser, as if you have a broader perspective on their daily activities and experiences. | What happened after you tried each technique? | After trying each technique one should feel relaxed and a sense of heighten awareness. Meditation helps the mind become less distracted. | After trying Transcendental Meditation one should have more confidence and higher self esteem. | 1. Do you think meditation leads to heightened sensation and perception? Explain why or why not. ————————————————- Mediation can lead to heightened sensation and perception. Each is different but ————————————————- complements each other. Sensation is the process by which we sense through touch, smell, ————————————————- sight, taste and smell. Perception is our way of interpreting what these sensations mean and ————————————————- how to make sense of it. 2. Have you considered integrating meditation into your own lifestyle? If so, list one strategy for fitting meditation into your schedule. If not, explain why. ————————————————- I have integrated meditation into my personal lifestyle with physical exercise. Physical ————————————————- exercise promotes overall fitness, helps manage emotional stress and relieves tension.

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

A mother is a jewel, but a grandmother is a blessing Essay

Having a grandmother in my live is the best thing I could ever ask, my grandmother Imelda was a second mother for me, she is my follow model, I learned many things by her side. My grandmother had three qualities; she was comprehensive, very positive and big lovely person. My grandmother was a comprehensive person, she always tried to get into other shoes to understand and never judge, what a learn about this quality she had, is that people sometimes judge when they did not know the reasons of the actions that people did, that always make problems and the way my grand-mother understand people make me realized that is always better not judge if you do not want you to be judge. Also if I did something wrong, she never punished me, for example, when I crush my truck my mother yelled and punished me, and my grandmother just told me that it was an accident and live goes on. She always had the better advices when something goes wrong. Second, she was a very positive person she loved to see the family together and never see them fight, for example when my uncles fight she always interpose and try to stop them and avoid more problems. When something went wrong she always tried to do her best and saw the good way of that, for example when my uncle was kidnaped, the family did not had hope but she always told us that he would come back early. She tried to did everything what was in her hands to help family and all the people. For instance, she helped my grand-father’s workers with presents and financial support to their families. Finally, she always was a lovely person in all the ways, she loved her husband, my grand-father, until the end of his life by being and support him the last year of his life with his disease and never leave my grand-father to give up. She always support her son’s and daughters in all the possible ways, for example, one day one of my uncles got broke and he did not had a place to live and my grandmother gave him the first floor of the house to live with his wife. She treated and loved her grand-son’s equal, all days she made breakfast and dinner for all the family that wanted to went to the house, she always loved to see the family together. A grand-mother is a second mother and I thank God for giving me that blessing in my life, also I thank God for my big family, the best family and all the good advices that my grand-mother leave me to go on in life and all the beautiful memories she left me. She is not here now, she passed away 4 months ago but I am so happy had her every single day of my live until her last day. That are the three qualities of my grand-mother that I admire and miss every day.

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Free Essays on St Valentines Day Masacre

The St Valentines Day Massacre What does one think of when they hear the phrase â€Å"The Roaring Twenties†, â€Å"The Jazz Age†, or even what our grandparents refer to as the â€Å"Golden Years†? It was the best of times. Women’s liberation was just beginning. The stock market was at its highest most glorious days. Alas, â€Å"The Roaring Twenties†. It was the foundation of the largest Cultural Revolution in America’s history. People were really questioning the meaning of life and finding out who they really were with the answers they received. On the contrary, many people only view this time period skin deep. It wasn’t the glorious, carefree days that past generations remember. They too had the problems of violence, scandals, drugs, sex, and alcohol. However, it was all underground. Let me take you back to a time where the girls were dancing, the music was blasting, and underground crime was at its peak. The date you ask? February 14, 1929. A date that would go down in American history as â€Å"The Valentines Day Massacre.† Prohibition was the eighteenth amendment, the Volstead Act, which was passed on October 10th, 1919 against alcohol. This Act outlined that it was illegal to import, export, transport, sell, manufacture, barter, and own any beverages which contained more than 0.5% alcohol excluding the alcohol used for medicinal and sacramental purposes. The law was passed mainly to reduce the crime and death rates in the United States. Prohibition did solve some of the problems in the United States for the first few years, but did not last for long. One of the worst effects of Prohibition was alcohol export being controlled by huge gangsters like Al Capone, who had his headquarters based in Chicago. More than 100,000 speak-easies were in New-York City alone. It almost seemed impossible to control the huge amounts of alcohol being transported throughout the United States. Al â€Å"Scar face† Capone was one... Free Essays on St Valentines Day Masacre Free Essays on St Valentines Day Masacre The St Valentines Day Massacre What does one think of when they hear the phrase â€Å"The Roaring Twenties†, â€Å"The Jazz Age†, or even what our grandparents refer to as the â€Å"Golden Years†? It was the best of times. Women’s liberation was just beginning. The stock market was at its highest most glorious days. Alas, â€Å"The Roaring Twenties†. It was the foundation of the largest Cultural Revolution in America’s history. People were really questioning the meaning of life and finding out who they really were with the answers they received. On the contrary, many people only view this time period skin deep. It wasn’t the glorious, carefree days that past generations remember. They too had the problems of violence, scandals, drugs, sex, and alcohol. However, it was all underground. Let me take you back to a time where the girls were dancing, the music was blasting, and underground crime was at its peak. The date you ask? February 14, 1929. A date that would go down in American history as â€Å"The Valentines Day Massacre.† Prohibition was the eighteenth amendment, the Volstead Act, which was passed on October 10th, 1919 against alcohol. This Act outlined that it was illegal to import, export, transport, sell, manufacture, barter, and own any beverages which contained more than 0.5% alcohol excluding the alcohol used for medicinal and sacramental purposes. The law was passed mainly to reduce the crime and death rates in the United States. Prohibition did solve some of the problems in the United States for the first few years, but did not last for long. One of the worst effects of Prohibition was alcohol export being controlled by huge gangsters like Al Capone, who had his headquarters based in Chicago. More than 100,000 speak-easies were in New-York City alone. It almost seemed impossible to control the huge amounts of alcohol being transported throughout the United States. Al â€Å"Scar face† Capone was one...

Monday, October 21, 2019

How to Get Into Yale 4 Expert Admissions Tips

How to Get Into Yale 4 Expert Admissions Tips SAT / ACT Prep Online Guides and Tips Yale is one of the most competitive schools on the planet to get into. If you’re wondering how to make your application stand out from the crowd, you’re in the right place. In this article, we’ll go over everything you need to know about how to get into Yale, including how hard it really is to get into Yale, what Yale is looking for in its students, what test scores and grades you need, and how to ace your Yale application essays. How Hard Is It to Get Into Yale? Yale is extremely selective - it accepts less than 7% of applicants every year. That means that only seven out of every 100 students get into Yale. In order to be competitive as an applicant, you’ll need to have near perfect grades, excellent test scores, and standout essays. What Is Yale Looking for in Its Students? Yale wrote an entire essay on what it looks for in its students. While the post doesn’t go into many specifics, it does offer some helpful nuggets of wisdom about what the admissions committee considers when evaluating applications: Academic ability: Yale wants its students to be top-of-the-line academically. Yale puts a lot of weight into your high school transcript, so you’ll need to achieve great grades consistently. Your high school teachers will also speak to your academic ability - your letters of recommendation should show that you’re hardworking and academically curious. Who you are outside of school: You’re required to write many different essays for Yale. Use your essays as an opportunity to paint a vivid portrait of yourself, one that goes beyond your academic performance. Highlight your interests and make yourself seem like a real person, not just a collection of numbers. What you’ll do with Yale’s resources: Yale wants students who will take advantage of its many resources. Your application should demonstrate that you’re ready to take on challenges and that you take grab opportunities when you see them. Yale isn’t looking for complacency - it’s looking for students who will take advantage of every moment on their campus. Amazing recommendations: While your transcripts give quantitative information about your academic ability, your recommendations give qualitative insight. Yale will rely on your teachers’ letters to really highlight who you are as a student. Teachers often write about things that a simple â€Å"A† on a line can’t convey - like your wit or sense of humor when responding to different challenges. Can You Apply to Yale Early? Yale offers both regular application and early action deadlines. The early action deadline is November 1 and you’ll hear about your acceptance on December 15. Yale’s early action program is a single choice early action program, which means that you can only apply to one school (Yale) but your acceptance isn’t binding. Statistically, you do have a slightly higher chance of getting into Yale early action than at the regular decision deadline, but the difference is not that significant. If Yale isn’t your first choice, we wouldn’t recommend applying there early, since you won’t be able to apply early anywhere else. Yale Application Deadlines and Requirements You can apply to Yale using either the Common or Coalition application. You’ll need to take write at least two essays, plus the short answer questions, regardless of which application you apply with. The number of essays you write depends on whether you’re applying with the Common Application or the Coalition Application. You’ll also need to submit three letters of recommendation. Yale requires that you send either SAT or ACT scores, with the writing component. You do not have to have completed any specific coursework in high school in order to apply. Here’s a full list of requirements: EITHER, the Coalition Application with Yale-Specific Questions, OR The Common Application with Yale-Specific Questions, OR The QuestBridge National College Match Application $80 Application Fee or Fee Waiver Two Teacher Recommendations One Counselor Recommendation School Report (including Transcript) Standardized Test Results Mid-Year Report (due when first semester/term senior grades are available at your school) Early action applications are due on November 1, regular admissions on January 1. What GPA Do I Need to Get Into Yale? You need to be at the top of your class, GPA-wise, to be accepted into Yale. The average GPA of admitted applicants to Yale is 4.19. That means you need basically straight A’s in order to even be competitive with other applicants. You’ll need to take AP or IB classes as well, both to boost your GPA and to show that you’re capable of handling college-level coursework with ease. What Test Scores Do I Need to Get Into Yale? It should come as no surprise, but you need extremely high test scores to be considered seriously as a Yale applicant. The average SAT composite score of admitted applicants at Yale is 1540. That breaks down to a 770 on the math section and 770 for the reading/writing score. In other words, you’ll need a basically perfect score to be considered. Yale requires you to send in all of your SAT scores, but the committee is able to look at a student's highest officially reported score on each section of the SAT. If you don’t have a 1540+ on the SAT yet, you need to seriously reconsider taking the test to get as close to that score as possible. Make a plan, commit to studying, and work hard. The average ACT score of admitted applicants at Yale is 33 - slightly less competitive than the average SAT scores. That being said, 33 is still high and if you have lower than a 31 on the ACT, you should consider retaking the exam. Yale Application Essays Yale requires all of its applicants to answer some combination of three specific essay questions. If you’re applying to the engineering school, you’ll have to answer an additional prompt. Let’s take a look at the three prompts. Then, we’ll talk about who needs to answer them. Think about an idea or topic that has been intellectually exciting for you. Why are you drawn to it? Reflect on your engagement with a community to which you belong. How do you feel you have contributed to this community? Yale students, faculty, and alumni engage issues of local, national, and international importance. Discuss an issue that is significant to you and how your college experience might help you address it. If you’re applying with the Common Application, you’ll choose two of those prompts and answer them in 250 words or fewer. If you’re applying with the Coalition Application, you’ll answer one prompt in 300 words or fewer. You’ll also include an audio, video, image, or document file that you have created that is meaningful to you and related in some way to your essay. You’ll write one sentence to show how this relates to your essay. Students applying to Yale’s engineering program must also submit the engineering essay as part of their application. Here’s the Yale engineering essay prompt: If you selected one of the engineering majors, please tell us more about what has led you to an interest in this field of study, what experiences (if any) you have had in engineering, and what it is about Yale’s engineering program that appeals to you. Please respond in 300 words or fewer. All applicants will complete six short answer questions regardless of which application you’re using. The six short answer questions for the Yale essays range in word limit from 35 words to 300 words. These essays are specific to the Yale application - you won’t find them on any other college or university’s application. Although they are short, the Yale supplement essays are just as important as the longer essays. If you want to learn more about how to answer the Yale essays and short answer questions, check out our in-depth article on the subject. Tips for Getting Into Yale It’s hard to get into Yale, but not impossible. You need to put serious work into your application to be considered. Here are some tips you can follow as you’re working on your Yale application. #1: Work Hard at Getting Great Grades You need great grades to be accepted at Yale. If you’re still in your freshman, sophomore, or junior year of high school, plan to take some advanced classes to up your GPA. You’ll need to be disciplined and work hard to compete with the other applicants. #2: Ace Your Standardized Tests You need high standardized test scores in order to be admitted to Yale. You should plan to take the SAT at least three or four times. Remember, you can take the SAT up to six times before the admissions committee starts to wonder why you keep taking the test. If you’re taking the Yale, you should study for and take the test as many times as necessary to meet (or beat) the average ACT score of Yale admitted applicants. #3: Write Standout Essays You have plenty of opportunities to flesh out your personality with your essays. You should put equal weight on all of the short answer questions, even the ones with a 35 word limit. If you're worried that one of your essays isn't strong enough, seek out a second opinion. #4: Secure Awesome Recommendations Yale puts a lot of emphasis on the recommendations you get from teachers - make sure you get good ones! Pick teachers who really know you - ones that you've worked with closely and have seen your best work. You want letters from teachers who can speak to your strengths beyond academic ability. Recap: How to Get Into Yale Getting into Yale is extremely difficult, but it's not impossible! Your application will need to be incredibly polished in order to stand a chance. Make sure your academic record is near perfect, your recommendations stellar, and your essays engaging, and you'll be competitive with the other applicants. What’s Next? Worried about how to write an amazing college essay?Readour step-by-step guide on how to write a college essayand take a look at our analysis of 100+ real college essaysto get a feel for what colleges want- and don't want- to read in an application. If you're getting ready to apply to college,it's time to learn what colleges expect from you. This article will help you better target your application to suit what each school you apply to is looking for. If you're planning to take the SAT or ACT as part of your application, try out some of our famous test prep guides, like"How to Get a Perfect Score on the SAT"and"15 Key ACT Test Day Tips." Want to get into Yale or your personal top choice college? We can help. PrepScholar Admissions is the world's best admissions consulting service. We combine world-class admissions counselors with our data-driven, proprietary admissions strategies. We've overseen thousands of students get into their top choice schools, from state colleges to the Ivy League. Learn more about PrepScholar Admissions to maximize your chance of getting in.

Sunday, October 20, 2019

Margaret Douglas, Countess of Lennox

Margaret Douglas, Countess of Lennox Known for: known for her plotting on behalf of Roman Catholicism in England.  Ã‚  She was the  grandmother of James VI of Scotland who became James I of England, and the mother of James father, Henry Stewart, Lord Darnley.. Margaret Douglas was the niece of Tudor King Henry VIII and granddaughter of Henry VII. Dates: October 8, 1515 - March 7, 1578 Heritage Margaret Douglas  mother was Margaret Tudor, daughter of Englands King Henry VII and Elizabeth of York. Margaret Tudor, named for her paternal grandmother,  Margaret Beaufort, was the widow of James IV of Scotland. Margaret Douglas father was Archibald Douglas, 6th Earl of Angus; the marriage of Margaret Tudor and Archibald Douglas in 1514, at first secret, was the second for each, and alienated many of the other Scottish nobles and threatened her supervision of her two sons by James IV, James V (1512-1542) and Alexander (1514-1515). Margaret Douglas, the only child of her mothers second marriage, was brought up with and was a lifelong friend to King Henry VIIIs daughter by Catherine of Aragon, Princess Mary, later Englands Queen Mary I. Scandalous Relations Margaret Douglas became engaged to Thomas Howard while she was a lady-in-waiting to Anne Boleyn, the second queen of Margarets uncle Henry VIII. Howard was sent to the Tower of London in 1537 for their unauthorized relationship, as Margaret was at that time next in line of succession, Henry VIII having declared illegitimate his daughters Mary and Elizabeth. Love poems she wrote to Thomas Howard were preserved in the Devonshire MS, now in the British Library. Margaret had reconciled with her uncle by 1539, when he asked her to greet his new bride Anne of Cleves on her arrival in England. In 1540, Margaret had an affair with Charles Howard, nephew of Thomas Howard and brother of Catherine Howard, the fifth queen of Henry VIII. But again Henry VIII reconciled with his niece, and Margaret was a witness to his sixth and final marriage, to Catherine Parr, who had known Margaret for many years. Marriage In 1544, Margaret Douglas married Matthew Stewart, the 4th Earl of Lennox, who was living in England. Their elder son, Henry Stewart, Lord Darnley, in 1565 married Mary, Queen of Scots, daughter of James V, Margaret Douglas half-brother. The Stewart (Stuart) name for a later line of kings of England and Scotland comes from Margaret Douglas second husband through the son of Mary, Queen of Scots, and Lord Darnley. Plotting Against Elizabeth After Marys death and the succession of Protestant Queen Elizabeth I in 1558, Margaret Douglas retired to Yorkshire, where she became involved with Roman Catholic plotting. In 1566 Elizabeth had Lady Lennox sent to the Tower. Margaret Douglas was released after her son, Henry Stewart, Lord Darnley, was murdered in 1567. In 1570-71, Matthew Stewart, Margarets husband, became Regent in Scotland; he was assassinated in 1571. Margaret was again imprisoned in 1574 when her younger son Charles married without royal permission; she was pardoned in 1577 after he died. She briefly helped care for the daughter of Charles, Arbella Stuart. Death and Legacy Margaret Douglas died only a year after she was released. Queen Elizabeth I gave her a large funeral. Her effigy lies in Westminster Abbey, where her son Charles is also buried. The grandson of Margaret Douglas, James, who was the son of Henry Stewart, Lord Darnley, and of Mary, Queen of Scots, became King James VI of Scotland and, at the death of Elizabeth I, was crowned King James I of England. He was the first Stewart king.

Saturday, October 19, 2019

Financial accounting, management Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Financial accounting, management - Essay Example 2. The role of Financial Accounting is to provide financial information to people outside the organization. Managerial accounting, on the other hand, furnishes financial information relevant for the executives and administrators within the organization. The two mentioned disciplines are focused mainly on compiling and reporting the financial information, while Finance is concerned on managing money and other monetary instruments. Accounting lays down the historical account of financial transactions while finance is more concerned on improving the future financial transactions of a firm. 3. A balance sheet provides a picture of a firm's financial position at a given time. It elaborates the financial position of the firm as being shown by its properties (assets) and what it owes (liabilities and net worth) in a given moment. It actually shows the potentials and the weaknesses that a business has and can also identify business trends particularly on its receivables and payables (Balance Sheets 2003). Each of the accounting convention has different views in accounting for the entries made in the balance sheet.

Friday, October 18, 2019

Creative assignment in historical imagination founded on historical Essay

Creative assignment in historical imagination founded on historical research - Essay Example On arriving in America, zuli found out that life was different from what she expected. English was the national language in the country yet she did not know how to speak or write even a word. This factor limited her chances of getting a job, and she had to stay at her friend’s place. Zuli explains how she subjected herself to discrimination and pain in order to feed her mouth despite the hopes that she had before leaving home. The pain includes engaging in prostitution in order to eat and pay rent. The woman says that obedience is the essential factor to a successful life, and she advises the youth to learn to uphold the moral. This is because her disobedience bore bitter fruits, and she lost everything that she had hoped for in the end. Aunt chingcha was my role model from when I was a kid because of her hard-working character. Chingcha grew in Hong Kong, the same town where I grew up, but she moved to the Gold Mountain when she reached twenty in 1845. The gold town was a pla ce where people got well-paying jobs and owned land (Ahmad 95) contrary to my country. These are the characteristics that made people from my country call it the Gold Mountain. Everyone in my town was interested in moving to America to get rich and come back. The road to America was, however, not easy because only few people managed to go there and bring richness to their families. The journey to the land used to take one month, and on arrival, some immigrants, especially women would be sent back for reasons such as sickness (Spickard 102). Aunt Chingcha was among the few that managed to land in America, and she used to send us some of the money that she earned as a sewer in San Fransisco. I was interested in moving to the Gold Mountain just like other people, but I was scared. One of the factors that scared me was my family. My father said that he would not allow me to leave because I had to take care of my younger brother while my mum worked. He also said that he wanted me to lear n art as it was a tradition in my country. My aunt also told us that there was discrimination in America despite the high income and freedom. I could hear a voice inside my heart telling me that I would be successful like my aunt, only if I overcame my fear and went to the Gold Mountain. My friend Zuela helped me to overcome the fear inside me, and soon we escaped and went to America in 1855; by then, I was twenty years old. I did not care whether my parents would be worried about me neither did I mind the discrimination in America. All that I wanted was to work and send my parents money to pay my brother’s school fees. I also knew that I would come back and die in my country so that I would be buried near my ancestors (Lakos 35). When I arrived in America, I found out that I could hardly read or write English, which was the main language in America. This meant that I would not get employed easily like my friend Zuela, who got employed at a garment factory in California. We l ived in a shanty room that Zuela rent for five dollars a month as I searched for a job. One day as I went out searching as usual, I found a Chinese woman who I talked to, and she asked me to follow her because she would help me find a job. Her name was Chungxi and she came from Hong Kong, but her parents sold her in America so that they would get income to purchase necessities. Chungxi fled from Kansas where she was sold and became a prostitute in

The Nature of the Illegal Trial of Jesus Article

The Nature of the Illegal Trial of Jesus - Article Example As a result, Jesus was abandoned and sentenced to death. But the most astonishing and the unfortunate matter is that Jesus could not be charged under any of the prevailing laws of either the Jews or the Romans that could vouch His capital punishment. The experts regard that the entire trial process to be totally unjust and a mere eye – wash. According to many of the research scholars, it was preplanned that Jesus would be killed more because of political reasons rather than religious causes but the rulers of the region could do so without a trial as because the general public was hostile towards those in powers as they have killed John the Baptist without any major charge. Hence, the entire set of drama regarding the trial of Jesus was organized and it had whole lot of unethical processes and happenings. This study brings forth the unethical trial of the Lord in the light. In order to understand the work, life and the execution of the Lord Jesus, it is prudent that the analysis commences with the discussion of the social and political condition of those times in the areas of Jerusalem. Jerusalem used to be an independent state predominantly Jewish and run by Hasmonean dynasty of high priests until in 63 B. C. when it was conquered by General Pompey of Rome and brought under the purview of the Roman Empire. The Roman delegated the authorities of ruling of the state to the high priests of the temple and since then their prevailed two sets of rules in the region; one being the Jewish religious laws and the other was the Roman laws. The rulers i.e. the high priests commenced to serve the dual interests namely the political interests of the Rome and the religious interests of the Jews. The rule of the Romans through Jew high priests in the areas of Palestine led to discontent among the populace of the region because of several political issues like the harsh rules of taxation, the laws of

Thursday, October 17, 2019

The challenge of human resource management. Theories of motivation Essay

The challenge of human resource management. Theories of motivation - Essay Example The concept of motivation is often viewed as complicated and fascinating by different leaders but a closer analysis of the operations of any given organisation shows that this is an indispensable component which can ensure viability of any particular company in the face of competition. Thus, effective leaders ought to understand motivation and there are numerous theories of motivation that exist to try and help the managers as well as the leaders to understand the needs as well as goals of their employees in a bid to sustain certain actions while at the same time attempting to stop some unbecoming behaviour (Werner 2007). Against this background, this essay seeks to critically compare and contrast two theories of motivation. These are Maslow’s hierarchy of needs which is a content theory as well as Locke and Latham’s goal setting theory which is a process theory. The essay starts by explaining the meaning of the key term which is motivation then followed by outlining th e similarities as well as the differences that may exist between the two. The last part will specifically focus on suggestions about how a team leader might use these theories to motivate their team. Basically, motivation is loosely defined as â€Å"a state arising in processes that are internal and external to the individual, in which the person perceives that it is appropriate to pursue a certain course of action aimed at achieving a specified outcome and in which the person chooses to pursue those outcomes with a degree of commitment and persistence (Robins, Odendaal & Roodt 2001). Thus, motivation is basically concerned with arousing, directing and sustaining our behaviour. Theories of motivation fall into two basic groups: content theories as well as process theories. According to Finchman & Rhodes (2005), content theories of motivation focus on what motivates an individual. They are typically concerned with determining the specific needs that motivate people. On the other han d, process theories attempt to describe and analyse how people are motivated, that is, how behaviour is aroused, directed and sustained. Process theories of motivation in this case posit to the effect that there is no individual who can give the other person satisfaction that is related with accomplishing especially a challenging job, but it is self derived (Carrell et al 1995). Overally, motivation is influenced by needs, goals, expectations, motives as well as drives and these play different roles in motivation as going to be explained briefly below. According to (Brewster et al 2003), a need is something that is basic to life such as food and shelter and once it is satisfied a person is motivated. A goal is a certain target that an individual wants to attain and once achieved, that person is motivated. An expectation is primarily concerned with promises to be fulfilled say after performing a task and if these are fulfilled the person is motivated. A motive is an intention of acti ng in a certain way or doing something and it also affects motivation. Lastly, a drive is a push factor that pushes someone to act in a particular manner and if there is promise of reward that person would be motivated to pursue that drive. These are some of the major factors that motivate people to act or behave in particular ways. Maslow’s hierarchy of needs is perhaps the most appealing theory of motivation. Thus, according to Maslow, when a need occurs, motivational tension develops and is directed towards satisfaction of that need (Carrel 1995). The hierarchy comprises of five levels of needs namely physiological, security, social, self esteem and self actualisation needs. These needs build from grassroots levels up to the point where some skilled workers feel that they should be rewarded on the basis of their importance, coupled with their performance to the company. As far as company growth is concerned, there is need for the workers to feel that their needs are satisf ied. According to (Maslow 1970 as cited in Werner 2007), as each of these needs is satisfied, they cease to

VP candidates Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

VP candidates - Essay Example This would result in Medicare going bankrupt by 2016, and this shows that they do not want to preserve Medicare at all. Biden claims that their new plan will be called voucher care. Biden then continues to attack Republicans by putting down their idea of needing to act now. They want to reduce the national debt, but they have rejected all proposals brought forward by the Democrats. Biden finishes on the same theme of courage by saying that the Republican plan is not courage and it is not fair. Joe Biden seems to be Obama’s attack dog in that all he ever does is come out and criticize Republicans. This speech showed that he did not offer any way forward and only dismissed the Republicans’ claims. Paul Ryan begins by saying that American values remain as strong as they were during the days of the founding fathers. He also says that Republicans’ rights come from nature and god and not from government. Going back to his theme of the founding fathers, Ryan says that the nation’s founding father secured these rights and it is up to people today to uphold those ideals. Ryan also says that we have the right to choose our own leaders. Something interesting that he says is that he refers to â€Å"you,† which is something that Biden did not do when speaking. Other values that Ryan talks about include leadership and responsibility. A stark contrast is made over the issues of America’s founding principles. Ryan says that Republicans will reapply the founding principles while, without referring to them by name, Ryan says that the Democrats will replace America’s founding principles. Ryan uses repetition at one stage to get a point across (he repeats the words ‘we can do this’ over and over again). Ryan then makes an appeal for everyone to work together to build a better future, and he says that Romney and himself will do just that. Paul Ryan came across as a

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

The challenge of human resource management. Theories of motivation Essay

The challenge of human resource management. Theories of motivation - Essay Example The concept of motivation is often viewed as complicated and fascinating by different leaders but a closer analysis of the operations of any given organisation shows that this is an indispensable component which can ensure viability of any particular company in the face of competition. Thus, effective leaders ought to understand motivation and there are numerous theories of motivation that exist to try and help the managers as well as the leaders to understand the needs as well as goals of their employees in a bid to sustain certain actions while at the same time attempting to stop some unbecoming behaviour (Werner 2007). Against this background, this essay seeks to critically compare and contrast two theories of motivation. These are Maslow’s hierarchy of needs which is a content theory as well as Locke and Latham’s goal setting theory which is a process theory. The essay starts by explaining the meaning of the key term which is motivation then followed by outlining th e similarities as well as the differences that may exist between the two. The last part will specifically focus on suggestions about how a team leader might use these theories to motivate their team. Basically, motivation is loosely defined as â€Å"a state arising in processes that are internal and external to the individual, in which the person perceives that it is appropriate to pursue a certain course of action aimed at achieving a specified outcome and in which the person chooses to pursue those outcomes with a degree of commitment and persistence (Robins, Odendaal & Roodt 2001). Thus, motivation is basically concerned with arousing, directing and sustaining our behaviour. Theories of motivation fall into two basic groups: content theories as well as process theories. According to Finchman & Rhodes (2005), content theories of motivation focus on what motivates an individual. They are typically concerned with determining the specific needs that motivate people. On the other han d, process theories attempt to describe and analyse how people are motivated, that is, how behaviour is aroused, directed and sustained. Process theories of motivation in this case posit to the effect that there is no individual who can give the other person satisfaction that is related with accomplishing especially a challenging job, but it is self derived (Carrell et al 1995). Overally, motivation is influenced by needs, goals, expectations, motives as well as drives and these play different roles in motivation as going to be explained briefly below. According to (Brewster et al 2003), a need is something that is basic to life such as food and shelter and once it is satisfied a person is motivated. A goal is a certain target that an individual wants to attain and once achieved, that person is motivated. An expectation is primarily concerned with promises to be fulfilled say after performing a task and if these are fulfilled the person is motivated. A motive is an intention of acti ng in a certain way or doing something and it also affects motivation. Lastly, a drive is a push factor that pushes someone to act in a particular manner and if there is promise of reward that person would be motivated to pursue that drive. These are some of the major factors that motivate people to act or behave in particular ways. Maslow’s hierarchy of needs is perhaps the most appealing theory of motivation. Thus, according to Maslow, when a need occurs, motivational tension develops and is directed towards satisfaction of that need (Carrel 1995). The hierarchy comprises of five levels of needs namely physiological, security, social, self esteem and self actualisation needs. These needs build from grassroots levels up to the point where some skilled workers feel that they should be rewarded on the basis of their importance, coupled with their performance to the company. As far as company growth is concerned, there is need for the workers to feel that their needs are satisf ied. According to (Maslow 1970 as cited in Werner 2007), as each of these needs is satisfied, they cease to

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

How Supply and Demand Affects the British Economy Essay

How Supply and Demand Affects the British Economy - Essay Example The aim of this paper is to do this, as well as look into all related elements and issues enveloped in this subject matter. This is what will be dissertated in the following. The British economy is considered as being "a parasite on the rest of productive capitalism" (Roberts, n.d.). However, in the European Commission's latest assessment of EU finances, it was predicted that the UK economy would grow by 2.2% this year and by at least 2.6% in the year of 2004. "The labor market has remained strong despite the global slowdown with the unemployment rate being at around 27-year lows," said the European Commission. (Osborn, 2003). As well, inflation in Britain is much lower than that of most other EU countries. Economic shocks can cause unpredictable damage and changes in aggregate demand and short run aggregate supply which lie outside our normal macroeconomic models. As a result, a new equilibrium level of national output is achieved. However, "The unpredictable nature of these shocks creates a fluctuating rate of economic growth and may require some sort of macroeconomic policy response." (Tutor, 2005). To the UK economy, which is an open economy, an example of a demand shock would be that of a recession in a major trading partner such as the United States. Meaning that, if the United States were experiencing a recession, real disposable incomes of US consumers would fall and hence demand for imports would fall as well. Although some people argue that because the UK has not entered recession international events have therefore not had a great effect on economic growth; however, this is not true the UK has suffered due to the global downturn but this has, to some extent at least, been offset by continued levels of consumer confidence the reflationary effects of the decision by the Monetary Policy Committee to reduce nominal interest rates still further to their current level of just 4.0%. "Cheaper money has been a key factor sustaining both confidence and consumer spending. The continued strength of house prices and low unemployment also helped to limit the impact of the demand shock that hit the British economy." (Tutor, 2005). Inflation is the process in which prices rise in the domestic economy, of which are reflected in the reduced purchasing power of a national sum of money over time. General price inflation is a fall in the purchasing power of money within an economy, as compared to currency devaluation which is the fall of the market value of a currency between economies. The particular extent to which these two phenomena are related is open to economic debate, though the comparison of a currency to foreign currencies is based on investor demand for currencies, and therefore must at least partially be a matter of perception. The issue of inflation is incredibly important in British politics on account of its effect on the purchasing power of both the consumer and business, and the corresponding linkage that the declining value of wealth and income has to the general economic health of the country. The law in Britain of supply and demand results in the rich getting richer and the poor getting poorer. Once a region or country is ahead of the economic pack, it then

Monday, October 14, 2019

Why Should You Work Hard Essay Example for Free

Why Should You Work Hard Essay Have you ever been jealous of someone who is more successful than you? Have you ever think about why could this happen? It is common that employees complain about their work situation, their picky boss, and their outstanding colleagues. In every area, there are several outstanding geniuses. They stay there, and it seems like they can never be surpassed. They are like myths. Have you ever considered why there has always been someone who seems like relax but better than you and stands there forever. However, grumble does not help. Working harder than expectation is necessary for winning respect from others, making individuals valuable, and making an effort to build a stronger country. Losers never know the difference between them and individuals who are successful. Many of these persons hold the opinion that it is unnecessary to work very hard because when lucky arrives, they will success. Some of them keep purchasing for lottery, and they have the mentality of not doing anything but becoming millionaires (Brhel, n. d). However, do they really happy? Landau (2011), a journalist of CNN, said that the lucky do become happier after they winning a numerous prize, but level off soon. Others think that they born with unlucky. One of my classmates complained about the condition of him a week ago. He said that quizzes were too much, he did not have a good foundation of English, and other students were so smart. However, he ignores the point that he does not pay enough attention in class, and it reflected on that he asks me about the assignments after class everyday. Obviously, he did not focus on what instructor said. This attitude might cause failure in his study, even might bring negative influence to his career. Some of citizens criticize a number of celebrities who born with honor intensely. Anyone who comes from a famous family or a famous person gets a head start without making any effort. For instance, the children who were adopted by the movie star Angelina Jolie receive more attention from the public than normal citizens do. Later on we may learn there is nothing unusual about the children, but they are watched from the entire world because of their connections. That is true, and this situation can never be ignored. However, the majority are still ordinary citizens who have to work hard. Thus, one who holds those inappropriate ideas should be denied. Some might suggest that we are required to work hard; as a result, we can be successful employees in different areas in the future. That is true, it is necessary that we work hard and obtain a good payment. However, it is not sufficient just work hard. If you just work hard, you might meet the requirement of teachers or bosses and your classmates or your colleagues might admire you because you are a good person, but you are still for from successful. The reason is that you are in a limited environment where your colleagues are so normal. If you only compare with them, the result will be good, which you meet the requirements and surpass other colleagues. However, no one is going to remember you in the history because you did not bring any change for this company, and you did not do several contributions to this company. At last, you are same as everyone other ordinary employees, or you are one of them. Thus, one who wants to become an outstanding person might want work harder to fight for a better reputation. Therefore, you might think about what to motivate you to become a successful person. It is so significant to win other’s respect in one’s life. One cannot leave without esteem. Further more, work harder is necessary for you to promote yourself. By work harder, you can dig your potential talent and improve your ability of working and dealing with problems. By working hard, you can make contribution to the country. In Obama’s impressive speech, he mentioned that many devices and inventories are created and a great number of literature masterpieces were written in the past. What can we do to devote to the country? That is, work harder than others, make a high goal, and reach it. In conclusion, I would like to suggest that everyone not easily to satisfy with the situation, instead, work harder to meet your goal in your mind and gain respect from others and make an effort for the development of the country. Complaining, being arrogant, being shortsighted are enemies of becoming an outstanding person. Working hard might seems like hard to achieve, but if you keep pushing yourself, miracle might arrive.

Sunday, October 13, 2019

Mysticism In Wordsworths Poetry English Literature Essay

Mysticism In Wordsworths Poetry English Literature Essay William Wordsworth and Coleridge are the two pioneers of the English Romantic Movement who changed the dry, sterile rationalism in English poetry in a new era by establishing the primacy and sovereignty of insight and imaginative vision in literature and in life. William Wordsworth has an amazing capacity for expressing personal beliefs and thoughts. According to the Romantics, imagination is the only way of perceiving and realizing the one in the many, the abiding behind the flux, the infinite behind the finite, the eternal behind ephemeral, and the transcendent behind the immanent. Romantic vision is on the basis of the ultimate priority and superiority of imagination over the logical and speculative reason of the human mind while it does not deny or belittle the limited values and utility of the latter in human life. It appreciates the view that the realms of experience are so high that cannot be explored and comprehended by finite human reason. And it is only the imagination which can offer fleeting flashes of profound and penetrating insight into the heart of the reality. Imagination based on direct intuitive insight or flashes of immediate awareness is a faculty that transcends but does not reject the reason and intellect of man (Barker 5). Wordsworth emphasizes the great importance and power of imagination when he very per ceptibly says: à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦..Imagination, which, in truth, Is but another name for absolute power And clearest insight, amplitude of mind, And reason in her most exalted mood. (Prelude, Book IV) While reason divides, disrupts and dissociates things, imagination links, unifies and binds them together. Thus in sharp contrast to the Cartesian metaphysics of Descartes which maintains a dichotomy between matter and spirit, microcosm (man) and macrocosm (universe), the Romantic imagination finds in the entire universe between the sentient living beings as well as inanimate objects, a bond of all-embracing unity, solidarity and fellowship. Another distinctive feature of the Romantic imagination is the experience of owe, wonder, ecstasy or rapture and reverence aroused in the perceivers mind when it contemplates and communes with the things of the universe. Such awe ­ inspiring or rapturous supernatural (or numinous) experience is a vital factor in Romantic experience and the prime source of its vitality and intensity. William Wordsworth is one of the greatest imaginative Romantic poets whose style and poems are always distinguished from other Romantic poets because of his illumined spiritual vision as a mystic. Romantic imagination reached to its climax, its crowning revelation and consummation in the Wordsworths mysticism. Mysticism could be considered as the quintessence of Wordsworths poetry and the supreme source of its inspiration (Mackay 110). Mysticism, broadly defined, is a state of sublime imaginative and spiritual experience in which one has direct, immediate and intuitive perception of an all-embracing infinite and eternal reality the immanent-transcendent Absolute Being underlying and pervading but also transcending the sensible material universe. It is the sense of God in all and all in God. It is this sense of one ultimate Divine principle permeating all things and all life of the universe as well as guiding, cherishing and sustaining them that inspires the mystic to conceive the vision of the ultimate divine unity of the universe, of all life. Mystic imagination sees a living relationship between the soul of man and the soul of the universe a vision of cosmic unity, fraternity and fellowship.   The mysticism of Wordsworth is something unique in its kind, though there are some characteristics that can be seen in all modes of mysticism. It is a type of Nature-mysticism. Wordsworth mystical experiences are mainly depicted in the context of his treatment of nature. He had never limited his poems within the confined boundaries of the sights, sounds, odors, and movements of various elements of nature. His aim was to attain something ultra-earthly and divine and leaving the traces of his mystical experiences in nature and human life in his poetry. So his poetry is not simply just talking about the lovely and tranquil aspects of nature but it also covers his mystical experiences. Though it is consist of a certain degree of affinity to Spinozistic pantheism, it is not absolutely the same thing because it does not consider Nature as the be-all and end-all of the universe or equate and identify it with the Supreme Divine Spirit. Wordsworths mysticism also differs from the Neoplatonic mysticism of Plotinus or the Christian mysticism of St. John of the Cross and St. Augustine. But it has something of the sublime beatific vision of Blake or the glowing paradisal vision of Dante. Like all true mystics Wordsworth believes that human life has a divine origin and divine destiny (Wyman 517). As he said in his Ode on Intimations of Immortality: Our birth is but a sleep and a forgetting; The soul that rises with us, our lifes star Hath had elsewhere its setting And cometh from afar; But trailing clouds of glory do we come From Gold, who is our home Man is introduced as an essentially divine and immortal spirit in wordsworth poems as we repeatedly see such phrases like the Pilgrim of Eternity or the Child of Immortality which proves his fervent and glowing faith as the most genuine mystic poet of all ages. It is evident that he believes so deeply in infinity as he says: Our destiny, our beings heart and home, I Is with infinitude, and only there; and that the great thought by which we live is infinity and God. Wordsworths love of Nature and the way Nature is glorified, worshiped and divinized is apparent in his verse. Wordswoths attitude towards Nature is somehow different from other Romantic poets of his age. For instance, although Shelley shares some common characteristics with Wordsworths viewpoint on Nature but he also attempts to intellectualize and conceptualize Nature transforming the object of Nature into some dogmatic socio-political doctrine, ideology or an abstract idea, as in Ode to the West Wind, while Wordsworths vision of Nature is constantly and consistently spiritual.   For Wordsworth, the vision of Nature always represents the vision of the Divine spirit, the vision of that Cosmic Being. So Shelley on the basis of a Wordsworthian spirit describs in his illuminating and soul-stirring lines: That Light whose smile kindles the Universe, That Beauty in which all things work and move, That Benediction which the eclipsing curse Of birth can quench not, that sustaining Love Which through the web of being blindly move By man and beast and earth and air and sea, Burns bright or dim, as each are mirrors of The fire for which all thirst: .. (Lament for Adonais) Wordsworths worship and adoration of Nature was never inspired by passion for aesthetic beauty, elegance and splendor. All forms and objects, aspects and appearances of Nature  ­whether graceful, lovely and magnificent or somber, awe inspiring and forbidding alike stirred and stimulated his visionary imagination, for they all of them were to him equally the living emblems and images of the Divine spirit, the hieroglyphics of divinity. How even the dreary, appalling and awesome spectacles of Nature could bring intimations of the Divine Reality and profoundly impress on his mind its sublimity, majesty and grandeur is vividly revealed in one of the celebrated passages of Prelude in the description of a scene on the Alps: Black drizzling crags that spake by the wayside As if a voice were in them, the sick sight And giddy prospect of the raving stream, The unfettered clouds and region of the Heavens, Tumult and peace, the darkness and the light-  ­Were all like workings of one mind, the features Of the same face, blossoms upon one tree; Characters of the great Apocalypse, The types and symbols of Eternity, Of first, and last, and midst, and without end. (prelude, Book VI) This passage is a representative of a profoundly moving and glowing description of one of the most memorable mystic experiences of Wordsworth. The essential features of Wordsworths mystic vision is also greatly depicted in those impressive lines of his, where he says: One interior life In which all beings live with God, themselves Are God, existing in the mighty whole, As indistinguishable as the cloudless east Is from the cloudless West, when all The hemisphere is one cerulean blue.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   From a fragment found in a Ms. notebook containing Peter Bell or when he refers to à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦..the sentiment of Being spread Oer all that moves and all that seemeth still; Oer all that, lost beyond the reach of thought And human knowledge, to the human eye Invisible, yet liveth to the heart; Oer all that leaps and runs; and shouts and sings, Or beats the gladsome air; Oer all that glides Beneath the wave, yea, in the wave itself, And mighty depth of waters. (Prelude, Book II) All objects, high or low, sentient or insentient are to him mixed with the presence of the Divine and instinct with life and feeling and even with consciousness and their own will. This is interestingly expressed in the following me ­morable lines: To every natural form, rock, fruit or flower, Even the loose stones that cover the highway, I gave a moral life: I saw them feel, Or linked them to some feeling: the great mass Lay bedded in a quickening soul, and all That I beheld respired with inward meaning. (Prelude, Book III) Wordsworths perception of One interior life in all leads to evoking his vision and fill him with lofty and elevated thoughts which is derived from ordinary and apparently trivial things of Nature. Trances of thought and mountings of the mind kindling him to the sublimely reverent and profoundly mystic contemplation of the Divine immanent in all creation. To me the meanest flower that blows can give Thoughts that do often lie too deep for tears. (Ode on Intimations of Immortality) And he says that even the tiniest things of Nature seemed provoked and illuminated with a heavenly splendor and sublimity. The earth, and every common sight To me did seem Apparelld in celestial light. (Ibid) Since Nature brought a profound vision of the Deity or the Wisdom and Spirit of the universe in Wordsworths mind as he calls it in his Prelude, he regarded it as the source of his poetic inspiration and of moral and spiritual enlightenment and vision. He appreciates Nature as he says: Well pleased to recognize In nature and the language of the sense The anchor of my purest thoughts, the nurse, The guide, the guardian of my heart, and soul Of all my moral being. (Tintern Abbey Re-visited) All objects and units of Nature had for him some sublime and enigmatic moral and spiritual message to convey: One impulse from a vernal wood May teach you more of man, Of moral evil and of good. Than all the sages can. (The Tables Turned) It is the crucial faith of a mystic that the heart of light is the silence. In the true spirit of a mystic, Wordsworth arranged a supreme value on silence and contemplative stillness or, as he called it, wise passiveness and meditative peace and was aware of its deep and huge spiritual potentialities for bringing him divine revelation and for enabling him to penetrate into the ultimate cosmic mysteries. Among his visions of Nature, there came moments of such profound and hallowed stillness of transcendent peace and silence as Wordsworth called it that through his imagination Wordsworth attained the highest peak of his mystic vision gaining insight into the heart of reality (Jarvis 4). It was in moments of that peace which passeth understanding that Wordsworth says: à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦Gently did my soul Put off her veil, and self-transmuted, stood Naked, as in the presence of her Got (Prelude, Book IV) In moments of such holy tranquil and peace, his mind was transport ­ed to a state of sublime ecstasy, a trance-like consciousness. Oft in these moments such a holy calm Would overspread my soul, that bodily eyes Were utterly forgotten, and what I saw Appeared like something in myself, a dream: A prospect in the mind (Prelude, Book V) Emphasizing those moments of sublime stillness and serenity and their inestimable value and significance, Wordsworth in an illuminating passage in Tintern Abbey Re-visited says: that serene and blessed mood, In which the affections gently lead us on, Until, the breath of this corporeal frame And even the motion of our human blood Almost suspended, we are laid asleep In body, and become a living soul: While with an eye made quiet by the power Of harmony, and the deep power of joy, We see into the life of things. and also in Ode on Intimations of Immortality he states: Hence, in a season of calm weather Though inland far we be, Our souls have sight of that immortal sea Which brought us hither. Wordsworths mysticism is different and remarkable for its contemplative mood and pantheistic conception of nature. It is structured based on the belief that nature is a living being and the dwelling place of god. Nature is the means through which a man comes into contact with god. Wordsworth claims that a divine spirit can be seen through all the objects of nature. As a true pantheist he also says that all is God and God is all. This notion is particularly depicted in Tintern Abbey. He also finds the existence of god in the mind of man. Wordsworth claims that there is a pre-arranged harmony between the mind of man and the spirit of nature, which enables man to relate or communice with nature. The relationship is materialized when the mind of man forms a kinship with the thoughts of nature. And it is this cordial and intellectual junction between man and nature that helped to shape his belief that nature has the power to teach and educate human beings. Man reaches perfection and practical knowledge through the education he obtains from nature. He believes that the person who doesnt receive education from nature is worthless and his life is not successful. The poet believes that nature is the nurse and the protector of the mankind (Gill 163). In Wordsworths viewpoint, nature has the ability to alleviate the damaged mind of man. The beautiful and frolicsome aspects of nature are an infinite source for healing power. The material life sometimes becomes so painful that human beings loose the aspiration for living. When life becomes such unbearable then the sweet and affectionate contact with nature can easily drive away the cloud of cynicism from the mind of the viewer of nature. The noise and disturbance of the town or city life may make human life intolerable but even the recollections of nature in some lonely room can eliminate the burden of desolation, anxiety and suffocation. Wordsworth honors even the simplest and the most ordinary objects of nature and human life.   For him nothing is mean or low, since everything that is present in the universe is touched by divine life. To conclude we ought to say that Wordsworth never looked at nature like the way we do. With great devotion and enthusiasm, he sought to read the profoundest meaning of human life in nature. In the way of doing so he forged himself as a great poet of nature with a true mystical vision.

Saturday, October 12, 2019

History of rock and roll music outline :: essays research papers

History of the rock music industry Introduction: I.  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  How has an industry grown to become a 32 billion dollars a year machine? II.  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ill tell ou how, by scouting new talents from each and every corner of the world to bring us the music that each of us desires. III.  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  This is the recording industry which even though their sales have been steadily declining due to internet piracy it is still an industry which has great importance in our lives. As college students alone spend about 450 million dollars on music, according to Harris Interactive a worldwide market research and consulting firm. Ever since the birth of recorded music, it has defined our eras and defined each and every one of us. Music has been and always will be the soundtrack of our lives. IV.  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Today I will try and familiarize you with the great changes this business has gone through. V.  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  To make this short I will start in the 50’s the golden age of rock and roll, continue to the 60’s with beatlemania, on to the 70’s with disco and punk rock, then the 80’s on through today. Body: I.  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  First I will start by discussing the various genres that created rock music in the 50’s and 60’s. A.  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Rhythm and Blues 1.  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Chuck Berry, Elvis Presley, Buddy Holly 2.  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Their influences II.  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Second I will tell you with more detail the numerous events of the 60’s that shaped the way the music industry was ran and the way rock music sounded. A.  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The Beatles, and other pop acts and their influence. B.  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The shift of interest towards profits instead of creativity in the Industry. C.  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The emergence of counter pop movements. D.  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Record labels look to capitalize on these movements. III.  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Third I will discuss the seventies. A.  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Folk rock and other sub-genres B.  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Disco C.  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Punk rock and its deviance from major record companies IV.  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Fourth and last I will talk about the eighties on through today, and how this industry morphed into what it is today. A. The beginnings of rap. B. â€Å"Hair Bands† C. Grunge (Nirvana, Pearl Jam, Soundgarden†¦) D. Hip – Hop and music today. Conclusion: I.  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  I now come to an end of explaining the changes the music industry has gone through from the fifties on through today. The fifties with its rhythm and blues that gave way to rock and roll, the sixties with the rise of big record labels and their attention shifting more towards pop music that would drive their profits sky high. The seventies with the advent of what we now know as rock.

Friday, October 11, 2019

Computer Graphics and Visualization

Visualization is any technique for creating images, diagrams, or animations to communicate a message. Visualization through visual imagery has been an effective way to communicate both abstract and concrete ideas since the dawn of man. Examples from history include cave paintings, Egyptian hieroglyphs, Greek geometry, and Leonardo da Vinci's revolutionary methods of technical drawing for engineering and scientific purposes. Visualization today has ever-expanding applications in science, education, engineering (e. g. roduct visualization), interactive multimedia, medicine, etc. Typical of a visualization application is the field of computer graphics. The invention of computer graphics may be the most important development in visualization since the invention of central perspective in the Renaissance period. The development of animation also helped advance visualization The use of visualization to present information is not a new phenomenon. It has been used in maps, scientific drawings, and data plots for over a thousand years. Examples from cartography include Ptolemy's Geographia (2nd Century AD), a map of China (1137 AD), and Minard's map (1861) of Napoleon's invasion of Russia half a century earlier. Most of the concepts learned in devising these images carry over in a straight forward manner to computer visualization. Edward Tufte has written two critically acclaimed books that explain many of these principles. Computer graphics has from its beginning been used to study scientific problems. However, in its early days the lack of graphics power often limited its usefulness. The recent emphasis on visualization started in 1987 with the special issue of Computer Graphics on Visualization in Scientific Computing. Since then there have been several conferences and workshops, co-sponsored by the IEEE Computer Society and ACM SIGGRAPH, devoted to the general topic, and special areas in the field, for example volume visualization. Most people are familiar with the digital animations produced to present meteorological data during weather reports on television, though few can distinguish between those models of reality and the satellite photos that are also shown on such programs. TV also offers scientific visualizations when it shows computer drawn and animated reconstructions of road or airplane accidents. Some of the most popular examples of scientific visualizations are computer-generated images that show real spacecraft in action, out in the void far beyond Earth, or on other planets. Dynamic forms of visualization, such as educational animation or timelines, have the potential to enhance learning about systems that change over time. Apart from the distinction between interactive visualizations and animation, the most useful categorization is probably between abstract and model-based scientific visualizations. The abstract visualizations show completely conceptual constructs in 2D or 3D. These generated shapes are completely arbitrary. The model-based visualizations either place overlays of data on real or digitally constructed images of reality, or they make a digital construction of a real object directly from the scientific data. Scientific visualization is usually done with specialized software, though there are a few exceptions, noted below. Some of these specialized programs have been released as Open source software, having very often its origins in universities, within an academic environment where sharing software tools and giving access to the source code is common. There are also many proprietary software packages of scientific visualization tools. Models and frameworks for building visualizations include the data flow models popularized by systems such as AVS, IRIS Explorer, and VTK toolkit, and data state models in spreadsheet systems such as the Spreadsheet for Visualization and Spreadsheet for Images

Thursday, October 10, 2019

Poetry Essay Essay

Brian Patten has produced a great poem called â€Å"The River Story†, which is about a river and how human pollution has affected it over years and years, plus he describes what it was like before and how the river was living. Brian Patten wrote this poem in a huge amount of detail and specifically to show how a river can be affected from human population and the aftermath from the devastation and destruction of the humans to the river. Brian Patten’s purpose for â€Å"The River Story† is mainly about describing the place that the river is situated and also to evoke emotions because Patten wants the reader to feel sorry and sympathy for harshly damaged river. The theme is developed throughout the poem by the way Patten has described the â€Å"river as wearing lily – pads like medals† and â€Å"kingfishes were his secret agents†, these quotes all come under how happy the river is and what a great life it is living. As the poem continues it starts to introduce humans and how they vomit their poisons into him and clogged with garbage and junk. These quotes represent the damage that the humans had caused and how the river is slowly dying and becoming close to nothing but dried up dirt. The structure of the poem has a huge influence on the reader. The poem is has only one stanza with 35 lines, no chorus and the lines varied in length. Patten has put in a few rhymes but there is no rhyme scheme, which indicates how the river has not got a boring life, or dose not have scheduled daily life.

Irish and Chinese Experience in America Essay

The end of the civil war and the beginning of the industrial revolution started an increase of immigration into the United States because of a need for low paid workers. Immigrants from around the world fled to America taking valuable jobs away from American citizens. Immigrants who came to the United States sought out every job known to man. Anything from sweeping floors to craftsman was available to the immigrants. From 1880-1920 the population of the United States ascended from 50,155,783 to 105,710,620. 1 An increase of approximately 55 million people marked the start of the industrial revolution. The population of immigrants that came to the United States in the time period of 1880-1920 was about 15,000,000. 2 Fifteen million immigrants just in the period of forty years came to the United States and all in need of a job. Two groups in particular, the Irish and the Chinese. Both The irish and the chinese have many similarities and differences in their experience in america. Some of these are shared yet others are sole experiences of one group. The origins of Chinese migration started after Senator Thomas hart Benton of Missouri proclaimed movement towards Asia as America’s Manifest Destiny. Manifest destiny was the notion that the â€Å"white† race was destined to expand and rule the earth. Manifest destiny contributed as the primary reason for the largest acquisition of U. S. territory. As americans started to search for new lands in Asia, Asians Immigrants set there eyes on America. After the Annexation of california, Aaron H. Palmer proposed chinese laborers to be imported to build transcontinental railroad and also to cultivate the lands of california. Around 1849, Chinese migrants began arriving in America. The chinese migrated to the states for their own reasons which were getting away from the intense conflicts in china caused by british opium wars. Many migrants were also fleeing from the turmoil of peasant rebellions such as the Taiping Rebellion. Hard economical conditions were also a reason why chinese Migrants sleeked survival in America. Chinese immigrants migrated to america voluntarily as free labor. They wanted to earn money and go back to their native land. The Chinese were sojourners while the Irish were settlers. Most of the chinese migrants were married with wives in china and were mostly illiterate. While the Irish immigrated to America with Families, as settlers. While the chinese fled to America for a better future, the Irish migrated to America due to â€Å"starvation†. Irish, came in massive numbers due to a struggling economy in result of the potato famine. in the mid 1800s the Irish people suffered a severe impact when the Potato famine struck. It left many Irish poor beyond poverty. With the drastic loss of their main source of economy the Irish people were left no other choice then to come to America. The Irish described their migration to america in terms such as â€Å"exiles† or â€Å"homeless†. By Takaki’s accounts the Irish felt as if they were driven away from their homeland by â€Å"English Tyranny†. The english were seen as â€Å"savage tyrants† The Irish felt they had to go to America, and that it was a necessity for them. Another factor that contributed in the Irish migration was the idea of religious freedom. The Irish Immigrants were predominately catholic, this makes them the first major non-protestant group to enter the US, immediately causing Americans to perceive them as a threat. The chinese mostly came to america with the intent of going back to their families, WHile the Irish immigrated with their families with the intent of staying in America. The background of why both groups parallel in aspects of better future and hard economies, and resentment of british rule. Both the chinese and Irish were Transnational, living in both countries at the same time. Both groups sent letter homes, the chinese used family and villager networks to send letters home. Irish sent letters home describing the country that had no tyranny, with no intentions of going back. The chinese on the other hand ultimate goal was to save enough money to go back and build a better life for family back home. The flow direction of both groups were different. The chinese set out for the â€Å"Gold mountain† while the Irish fled english oppression to cross the atlantic to America. The chinese migrated far less in numbers compared to the Irish. The chinese migrated in hundreds of thousands while the Irish migrated in millions. Between 1815 and 1845 one million Irish came to America. By 1850, the Irish made up a quarter of the population in Boston, Massachusetts; New York City; Philadelphia, Pennsylvania; and Baltimore, Maryland. In addition, Irish populations were prevalent among American mining communities. By 1870, there were 63,000 chinese in the united states, 77 percent were living in california and elsewhere in the West,southwest, New England and the south. Both groups struggled effectively to get incorporated in the American Economy. The chinese worked hard in the californian mines, railroads and the fields. At first the Chinese were welcomed in california for their hard work and low wages. The chinese workers brought a lot profit to their employers. Due to their low wage, long hours, and no need to provided services such as lodging. The owners profited and preferred the chinese labor over americans. The fear of chinese gaining power to vote and chinese boys going to the same schools as the whites, several legislation passed to prevent them from doing so. In 1852, the california legislature passed a law that would tax foreign miners, who did not desire to become a citizen. Even if they wanted to chinese could not have become citizens, because of the 1790 Naturalization Law that reserved naturalized citizenship for â€Å"whites. † This Federal law limited naturalization to immigrants who were â€Å"free white persons† of â€Å"good moral character†. It left out American Indians, indentured servants, slaves, free blacks, and Asians. The chinese miners were taxed 3 dollars monthly, the sate profited 5 millions from the chinese by the 1870. The early economic incorporation of the Irish started from the lowest step of the ladder. Irish immigrants did not usually posses any real skilled forms of labor, So the work which they received was very menial. They worked the jobs that American citizens left behind, like cleaning and excavating, mining, construction, roads, canals,railroads. (Basically jobs that were surrounded by filth) The living and working conditions of both immigrants were extremely dangerous. Both groups worked on building Railroads. In 1865, fifty chinese workers were hired by the central pacific railroad to help lay tracks for the transcontinental line. The number of chinese workers increased to 12,000 within 2 years. The chinese labor were preferred due to low wages and no cost of board and lodging. The construction of the central pacific Railroad was a chinese achievement. The conditions were harsh and the work was long. The chinese were forced to work through the winter. Many died in the snow slides,in the winter of 1866. Shortly after the chinese went on strike demanding higher wages, and 8 hour work days. The demands were not met and the strikers were starved, and forced back to work.. alike there chinese counterparts, the irish workers built thousands of miles of rail lines such as the western and Atlantic railroad from Atlanta to Chattanooga and the Union pacific segment of the transcontinental railroad. Chinese were central to the construction of the central pacific railroad while the Irish were central to the construction of union pacific railroad. The Irish like the Chinese worked long hours. The Irish became Disposable workers. The Irish were assigned to jobs that were to dangerous for â€Å"american’s†. Irish workers had high accident rates. The Irish resist and sung songs for survival and morale. The Irish workers were treated poorly and treated as dogs. The Central Pacific railroad released thousands of chinese workers in 1869, after the completion of the railroad. These workers went to San francisco and were employed by boot, shoes,woolen,cigar and industries. Hundred of chinese also became tenant farmers and sharecroppers. With the passage of Chinese exclusion Act in 1882,the chinese demanded higher wages. Chinese exclusion Act was one of the most significant restrictions on free immigration in U. S. history, prohibiting all immigration of Chinese laborers. Chinese workers continued to be harassed and excluded the chinese from unions and industrial jobs, however the chinese fought against discrimination. Chinese six companies lobbied for civil rights of the chinese people. During the negations for the Burlingame Treaty the Six chinese companies successfully got the US Gov to recognize their right to immigrate to the US. The Chinese had many hurdles in the socio-economical spec term of the united states. In 1900 only 5% of chinese were women. External and cultural factors contributed to low number of female immigration to the US. Chinese tradition and culture restricts movement of women. Women were expected to take care of the house/in laws and was expected to stay at home. It was also expensive to immigrate with wife. It was also a hostage theory so the husband keeps sending money home and eventually returns home. Although women who did migrate were mostly working as prostitutes. By 1870, 61 % of chinese women were prostitutes. Although difficult, but some chinese were able to have families. The fire after the earthquake destroyed all records in San Francisco. People who were already here could now claim they were born here and become citizens. These led to paper son and daughters. Under fourteen amendment granting american citizenship to children of citizens born abroad. This paper method was an important way of entering the US in the 1906, and created a new wave of chinese immigrants to the United States. Gradually the chinese moved from sojourners to settlers. Chinese were building communites, and held bussiness such as laundary’s and shops in china town. The chinese also started to create organizations and communites. For example Tongs were an organization to control contrymen, and their objective was to protect and work with better relationshipes with the Americans. The orginazation also controled opium trade and prostitution. Fongs was also an organizatoin that was created by family and villagers to maintain clubhouses and temples. The fongs also serviced letters home and sent bodies home of the dead. Six chinese companies was also created for educational and health purposes, it also worked for equal rights. These organizatoins were a big part of the chinese community in America, they dictated, control and advocated for the chinese immigrants. The enviroment for The second generation was improved after world war II. Most chinese americans, expecially women were forced into their parents etnic enclave working for their familys or friends bussines. Early Irish Economic incorporation started at the bottom of dual labor market where they had to compete with nonwhite labor. The chinese were hard workers and were hired to when there was shortage of white workers. Crocker hired chinese workers and when whites complained he threaten to fire them. The chinese worker made lots of profits for their employers. Crocker also explained that the chinese workers are elevating whiter workers. While the chinese worked as labores ther whites can be in managment/supervisory postions. The Irish were at the same woorking pool as the chinese and blacks. Irish workers in the Shoe factory created a organization to fight low wages. Knights of Crispin demanded higher wages. An employer replaced his Irish workers with chinese and was praised by the press. The Irish were reffered to as unrully, and were imaged as race of savages. The Irish were also descriminated against and depicted as lacking puntuality. They were viewed the same as blacks. To gain higher status in the social and political areana the Irish used â€Å"white antagonism† to gain political and social status in the american society. The Irish also played the race card to their advantage. They used the white racism strategy in competting with the chinese in california and African Americans in the Northeast. After being depicted as the same level as African americans, The Irish started to point out there supremacy by poining out that they were white. From being outsiders they wanted to be insiders. They did so by claiming they were americans. They claimed they were americans by attacking blacks and posing as insiders. The Irish slowly started to asimilate from forigners to americans. The Democratic party welcomed the Irish, due to their high numbers, as voters, party members, but not office holders before the civil war. By the 1830’s the cathlic Irish stongly identified as democrats. The democratic party emphasised the â€Å"Irish whitness† to sommoth over divisions withing the party. They pointed out that the Irish were white, and thus deserved equal rights. More Irish Women started to migrage due to bad economical situtions. Women migrated to America in hopes of finding a job. Irish women entered domestic service because of room and board incentive because they were mostly single. Maids also got payied higher then a factory worker. Although they worked long hours,These domestic workers were expirencimg american cutlure first hand and was eaiser for them to adopt and settel in the american culture. The second generation of Irish had more economical mobility, were educated. 19 percent of Irish women born in America worked as servants,or laudress compared to 61 percent of the immigent generation. Most of female immigrants were illiterate, but there daughters were educated and took white collar jobes such as teachers, nurses, and secreteries. The second generation Irish had wider acceptance in the society. Political invorment also helped in adoption to the new country. Irish’s democratic invoment gave them a higher edge in the society. In NY, Boston, chicago, and SF Irish political machines fuctioned as Robin Hoods for the the Irish people. Irish amricans took white collar jobs and held important postions within the cities. The Irished used an ethnic strategy based on dominance, by using white supremacy in America. The Irish Dominated in the trade unions/ and held high skilled jobs which created â€Å"wages of Whiteness. † Irish workers continued comapinn to make american labor equal â€Å"white labor†. They started to monopolis better jobs, and excluded African Americans, chinese and japanese. The second generation made goals for their future while still remembered their culture through songs. Chinese and Irish Immirgrants struggled to make their place in the American society. Both Groups had to deal with Racism and discrimination. The settelment and economic socio- political adaption of both groups were drastically different from one another. The Irish were easily incorporated in the political areana because of their voting power. While the Chinese had a harder time because of the early legislation which did not grant chinese citizenships. I feel the Irish had some advantages over the Chinese migrants. Knowledge of the English language being one advantage and Experience in political organization which The Irish had mobilized labor movements against British, this made the Irish more politically savvy. Another factor why the Irish moved up the labor ladder was because they looked like americans and they used that as an advantaged to become the insiders. The chinese chose to live in their own nehiobrhoods which hindered them in adapting to amercan culture. If the chinese were more adaptive then They might of been more accepted by the society. ? ? ? ? ?